Isaiah 40:31 

I give God glory for the moments when I can feel so overwhelming excited to be on fire for the Lord, and I am equally grateful for those moments that are sobering, and I can fully remember that He is the one who caused the flame to burn, and that He is my everlasting source of strength and life! My hope is in the Lord, I hope yours is too! 

Nothing is as it was, and nor will it ever be

Time fades, as those once moments you linger in to remember

Those memories that have accumulated as a monument of where we last captured a glimpse of one another

Nothing is as it was, and nor will it ever be

Time took us.... 

My Ever Valentine


I find my love in the edge of breaking night, where His kiss touches my eyelids with the rising of the sun

And though He is prepared in and out of seasons, I find Him most delightful in the breezes of spring, in the new scent of grass and in the beautiful cotton candy lavender sunsets that end one more day 

Of course, He stands higher than the mountains, but down here where I am lingering for a while, I find moments that envelope me in a wonderous escape that is His spirit

Intentionally throughout my day, while my thoughts and conversations are hidden, they are memories and reminders of You

Whether night gazing on a full moon, or starring purposefully for the shooting star, I catch every glimpse of Your love for me

Nothing have you left hidden, all left out in the open for me to dig deeper and find nestled in Your heart, me! 

How can it be, that everything I am and surrounds me is a constant reminder of how you can wait to spend forever with me, that in the meantime, I am to spend love here with You!

Spilling Thoughts......

Seeds In the Seasons...


It has been an interesting beginning of things, and now we approach the remainder of what is left of this year. I will confess that the new year brought in some new challenges, on top of what is still trying to adjust.

I have found over the years that I am not really good at setting yearly resolutions, and I gather it is because throughout the year in prayer I am resolving in spirit each month, each week and every day until we come around again to this place; here a new chapter and season to look forward to.

Yet, I am allowed for a bit to chew on the previous months and find the seeds that were planted in goodness, in maturity and in foundational stability.

Regardless of the hardships, doubts, fears, and struggles I have faced, I find I am ready to begin, I am ready to enter my new season willing and open, that I may enter into the new year refreshed! 

Ephesians 4:22-24 ~ “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Cha'Yeah, While walking this Out! 

You ever get that feeling that someone is watching you, though you know you are literally walking this out alone? 

Yeah, its that inner man that you know you just can't avoid. 

Kinda, like that Jehovah witness knock you wanna hide from, but seriously you can't resist, and the challenge is in opening the door!

Yeah, that someone watching you, is that inner you, examining the present you. Are you up for the walk?

It's that moment in life when you have to take that bit of hiatus and intentionally seek out the desert to get a better view of where you really trying to get to in life. 

Valley moments are real, go gain the abundance and reap the fruit of the walk. 

Entangled, but Lit! 

While rummaging through life, we will encounter those entangled messes that we find we can no longer avoid and learn to appreciate that it was illuminated. 

For some of us, the realness of life may have caused us to look the other way, or close the door on some stuff that at the time just wasn't a good feel to re-visit.

I love the fact that in wellness, we can always take a moment, to step back and take a sip, clear our throats and adjust how we will allow the steps necessary to become untangled! The honor in taking the step proves we may be entangled, but we are lit! 

Your beauty is in the approach you took to overcome 

The lesson in the untangling is gaining clarity from the unraveling.  Isaiah 61:3

~ Misha Campos.


                           Quenching My Thoughts!


It is hard work to constantly stay thinking in the negative. What love is there in the traumas of past memories and times past that can no longer be re-visited? What peace, or joy is there in seeing life only one quarter of the way and having a justifiable defense of the three quarters you never dared to know? What edification is there in the remembrance of the once you, you were, that left you destitute and bankrupt? How can we find riches and cash in on getting higher in thought and further away from the rooms in us that keep shutting doors in our lives to new wonders and expectations?

What a relief, as I sit here considering taking it all down, and washing it all clean away. I get to lie back and take the sips that are necessary for me to drift tenderly and soberly into the calgon of a new mind, that relinquishes kind thoughts, and constant sips of mindful transformation!

~Misha Campos 


Got Jesus?

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

It's a Basket Case ~ Love

Our being has always been uniquely designed in such a way that in our journey through this life, what we acquire in thought and how we convey that in our way of living eitherĀ helps elevate humanity or help tear it apart. In my past up until here, where I get to leaveĀ this piece of me through my writing, I would like to help elevate and encourage the peace of mind that comes from what I dare to choose and what I dare leave behind.

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Trust Me it Ends Well, Most of the Time!

The power of purpose will take you out of your comfort zone. The motivation to get me moving was a sip of water and a cough. Before I knew it, I was homeless, caught up in a pandemic and headed to a state where I knew no one, but by faith, there was purpose in that sip of water.

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